Saturday, October 11, 2014


A lot of people says that having a relationship with someone far from each other is so impossible. They have these thoughts in mind that it won't last long. Why is it so?! Maybe because they had a feeling of unsecurity and maybe because they found it difficult for them to communicate with each other. 

I, myself had witnessed many of these cases. Such long distance relationship as we all called it. The term "long distance" may seem to said it all if you go deeper in it. Being in a long distance relationship is the most challenging relationship a couple will be encountering. Yes, there are many things that can happen and many things are needed to let this kind of relationship work out. 

Couples who are in this kind of situation are facing many hardships in life. They started to have more doubts than trust itself. More pains and sacrifices just to get things in the right way. But you know what's the BEST thing that can happen in a long distance relationship?!!! It's the feeling of excitement and faith that someday you two will be together. Hopes, wishes and goals that you two built even if you are far away from each other will someday come true. 

Holding on and keeping the faith especially the trust are a "MUST" to strengthen this kind of relationship. Without those for sure everything will not end the way you wanted it to be. 

Love your partner even if you were miles apart. And if you didn't fail to show and let them feel your love and care, you couples out there will surely live happily ever after. 
